2020.07.29 先生のつぶやき
メキシコ流お盆「Dia de los Muertos」
以前勤めていた学校で、アメリカにあるESL(English as the Second Language)のクラスと交流活動をしていたのですが、あるとき、メキシコ出身の生徒が以下のようなお手紙を送ってくれました。
Hi! Today I’m going to talk about “Dia de los Muertos”. It’s a Mexican holiday when we go to the cemetery to clean and decorate our ancestors’ graves. It’s very important for the people who live there because the people who died are very special for them. Sometimes they fill eggs with confetti and throw them at people. Then we go downtown and people dance. Sometimes they throw fireworks and money. At the end of the two days, people eat “Pan de Muerto”.
It takes place on the 1st and 2nd of November. The first day is called “Dia de los Angellitos” and the second “Baile de los Muertos”. After those two days, people give out free Pan de Muerto that they didn’t sell. The Pan de Muerto is special because it is fancy and has a different shape. They make the bread with flour and sugar, then sometimes they put caramel on the bread.
Today, people wear wooden skull masks called “calacas” and dance in honor of their dead relatives. The wooden skulls are also placed on altars for the dead. Sugar skulls, with the names of the dead person, are eaten by relatives and friends. It is not a scary holiday like Halloween.
Mexican people believe that death is just a process in the life cycle and that it brings peace to the person’s soul. It is a day to remember loved ones. It comes from Aztec culture, Native American from Mexico. Marigolds are the flowers of the dead, and people burn copal or incense.
O-bon is a Japanese festival in summer. Every family welcomes back its ancestors’ souls to this world from August 13th through 15th. Because the spirits of the dead return during this time, people light fires at the entrances to homes so the spirits do not lose their way. People tidy up the Buddhist home altars and set out offerings, such as vegetables and fruit.
People enjoy Bon Dance in their hometown around this time of the year. It was originally a religious ceremony to entertain ancestors’ spirits, but today it is a local event for families.
At the end of o-bon, the spirits go back to the other world. People light fires at entrances of homes to see off the spirits, and float the offerings on rivers.
O-bon is a Buddhist festival and originally it’s religious. You should go to a cemetery and visit your ancestor’s grave. But today O-bon is becoming just a holiday. Many companies and stores are closed during the O-bon holiday. People come back to their hometown and get together with their family and friends. Some people go on a vacation to the beach, to the mountains, or abroad. Railroad stations and airports are packed with travelers.
③household altar(祭壇、仏壇)がある
さて、いよいよ夏本番! 今年の「お盆」は家族と共に祖先の霊を慰めながら、遠い国々の文化に思いを馳せてみましょうか!?
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