2021.06.16 先生のつぶやき
New Teachers for 2021
This is the second year to begin with Covid restrictions. While many of us are used to the changes, it is particularly difficult for our new first year student and teachers. Both groups have had to learn The KIHS Way in the classes, but also how to study online in preparation for a school closure in the worst-case-scenario.
So, who are these new teachers? Well, this year we have just two additions to the growing English department: Mr Michael Heller (L4 Reading and Writing, and L5 Academic Reading); and Mr Mark Rumley (L1 and L5 Speaking and Listening). This brings out international teachers’ totals to six from North America, four from the British Isles, and one from Australia.
Today, I would like to introduce a little about them. Let’s begin with some basics.
Michael Heller
Mark Rumley | |
14th May | Birthday | 23rd November |
American | Nationality | English (British) |
Hollywood, California | Hometown | Canterbury, Kent |
An interesting fact about Mr Rumley is that he was not born in a hospital. Instead, his mother bravely made the decision to give birth in the family home. He grew up there before moving to Tokyo ten years ago, then came to Osaka eight years ago. Mr Heller, meanwhile, has been bouncing between Japan and the US for years, beginning in the 1990s with the JET program. His current stay has lasted 5 years during which he has been living in Osaka, Nara, and Kyoto.
They have both taken well to the Japanese lifestyle and Mr Heller is often found exploring a variety of temples, while Mr Rumley enjoys getting on his bicycle for mammoth rides (over 100km) in the countryside.
Both gentlemen are married with young children. Mr Heller has two boys who love to read and pro-wrestle together, and Mr Rumley has two girls who enjoy search and rescue missions for snacks and long playtimes in a park or soft-play areas.
Finally, as teachers they must inspire others to develop themselves so I would like to finish with some of their inspirational knowledge and the opinions of their students.
Michael Heller | |
Best advice | Slow down and think |
Worst advice | Just do it! |
Favourite quote | “Never forget to remember” |
Worst quote | “I don’t care” |
Best achievement | Graduated #1 in High School |
Interesting fact | I was in the US Army. |
Student Voice (L4) | He’s easy to understand because he’s friendly. The speed of the class is just right so we can make progress.
(Shota Nishikawa, 4A, 1-2) I think he’s kind because he spends time helping me if I don’t understand. (Kanta Kizaki, 4B, 3-1) |
Student Voice (L5) | We always get a chance to speak in class, so it easier to understand difficult vocabulary.
(Rin Yamagata 5A, 3-1) |
Mark Rumley | |
Best advice | Buy the dip and ride the wave (investment) |
Favourite quote | Spin to win (cycling) |
Favourite time as a student | University |
Best achievement | Completing my Master degree |
Interesting fact | Born in my house (not hospital) |
Uninteresting fact | “I talk about cycling too much” |
Student Voice (L1) | We love “Happy Friday” because we have his class.
(all of Level 1) |
Student Voice (L5) | He’s friendly, so it’s easy to ask questions in class.
(Hozuki Nakai, 5A, 3-1) |
Gareth Warham
English and Science Teacher
〒545-00053 大阪市阿倍野区松崎町2-9-36
- class
- English
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