

Autumn term has begun

A new term has begun.
We have a few new students now, which often happen.
During my time at KIHS, I’ve found that the mid-year students add a lot to the school, so we’ve all very excited. The grades are in … and the science classes did exceptionally well! I actually was quite stunned. Some students got their best grades EVER!
The English grades could have been better. I think the students felt worried about science and studied hard… the weren’t worried about English so they didn’t study hard.
Today’s important lesson: ALWAYS work hard!
If Thomas Edison didn’t work hard, we wouldn’t have lights. Yes, Edison was a genius. But a genius who does not work hard accomplishes very little. Do you know how many times Edison failed before he invented the light bulb_over 10,000! Without his hardwork, we wouldn’t have lights… or movies…or music players…or…
Science Teacher, Brian Burgess

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