
Adrian Magill先生

  • 担当教科:英語科

Mark Rumley先生

  • BA - Kent University (UK) BA business
  • MSc - Canterbury Christ Church University (UK) Business & Management
  • 担当教科:英語科

Failure and making mistakes are part of learning a new language. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.


Johnathan Stump先生

  • 担当教科:英語科

There's something quite special being a part of the KIHS community. For one, of course, there's a solidarity between teachers and students that you can rarely find in other places. Not only do we hold each other accountable, but we give every effort into making sure that we and our students are producing at our best, while making the experience both memorable and worthwhile. This comes hand-in-hand with the type of education that we provide here at KIHS. It's also a place where everyone knows each other's name in the same sense as a close-knit community would their own.
As a private school, it's not a far stretch to say that we're like a family away from home. We are empowered by all working toward the common goal self betterment.

We are both excited and committed to giving you the best English education while making memorable friendships and developing as your own individual. You are the seed that will blossom into what you choose to be. All you need is effort and time and you will succeed greatly.

KIHSが特別な場所です。その理由のひとつはもちろん、先生と生徒の強いつながり! ほかの学校ではめったにないことです。お互いが責任感をもってベストを尽くすことで、思い出に残る大切な経験になるのです。これができるのはKIHSの教育だからこそですね。「結束の強い共同体」でみんながみんなの名前を知っているんですから。家庭のような場所といえるでしょう。みんなが自己向上という同じゴールに向かって励ましあい成長できる学校です。。

Daniel Brooks先生

  • 担当教科:英語科

Peter Rom先生

  • 担当教科:英語科