■1年次 時間割例
■2年次 時間割例
■3年次 時間割例
■English Course Descriptions
We will explain some of the subjects which are taught in English;
Social Science(社会科)
– 1st Year(1年)
This is a survey course of the world. Students learn to investigate different regions of the world through various aspects (political, physical, climate, population and resources). From North America to the Middle East, students gain a large understanding of the world around them.
「Global Studies(国際理解)」
– 2nd Year(2年)
Global Studies introduces the students to the world in a more integrated way. Globalization, climate change, multinational industries, trade imbalances, and human rights are all issues that are debated in some detail during the course. The students will gain a better understand of the world’s problems and possible solutions.
「Global Studies(国際理解)」は、「Geography(地理)」をベースにトピックごとに世界で起こっている事象を学ぶ科目です。グローバリゼーション、気候変動、多国籍企業、自由貿易、人権について授業で取り上げ、詳細に議論します。世界の諸問題をより深く理解し、解決策を考えます。
– 3rd Year(3年)
This subject has a number of objectives. The first objective is to prepare our students for the seminal event at the Kansai Model United Nations. The students study the inner workings of the United Nations, its procedures and functions so that they can participate successively in the MUN event. Afterwards, the course peruses the development of human rights through recent history to give the students a solid grounding in the role of human affairs.
Science Courses(理科)
- 1st・2nd Year(1・2年)
Ecology is the study of life on Earth. Students will learn to distinguish the different classifications of life. The course also includes a study of evolution – how species change and adapt over time. Pollution and its effects are also surveyed with special attention to the human impact on the environment.
Environmental Science(地球環境)
- 3rd Year(3年)
This course is an extension of Ecology and builds on its foundations. The planet and the environment in which life lives (biome) are studied more intensely. A focus on water (hydrological cycle), air (climate and weather) and land (formations and tectonics) are investigated with detailed projects and assignments that build the students’ understanding of the natural world.
English Courses(英語科目)
General English (総合英語)
―Graded by level of proficiency(レベル別授業)
This course is designed for vocabulary building and increasing students’ ability to use increasingly difficult grammar patterns. Various topics are covered in the course. The focus is on how to discuss and express our ideas about issues; including acceptable techniques for agreeing and disagreeing with the opinions of others.