
2019.07.06 先生のつぶやき



紹介してくださるのは、今年度は1,2年生の「Ecology」,3年生の「Environmental Science」その他英語科目を担当しているGareth Warham先生です。

The KI family has been growing.  At the beginning of this year, we grew to over 160 students.  This meant we needed more English level classes and teachers to teach them.  Level 1 and Level 5 expanded to be two classes so we now have 11 English level classes.  The number of teachers has also increased.  Over the past few weeks and months, you have been introduced to the new Japanese teachers.  Today, we would like to introduce the new English teachers.

Mr Eugene Dempsey

Our first teacher, Mr Eugene Dempsey, started in the middle of last year, so this was his first start on a new course.  He is teaching Level 1 and Level 2 General English.  He has been working hard to make students feel welcome and gain confidence using English on a daily basis.

Student Voice:

“I like his way of thinking so I feel encouraged that I can be involved in the class.” Ms Kai (L1/1-2)

“He keeps his English simple so we can get lots of practise to improve.” Ms Moriyama (L2/2-1)

Teacher Voice:

“I feel very lucky to have a chance to work with so many beautiful, young, colourful minds.  I always hope to use that chance to deliver a class that is both interactive and fun, but at the same time challenging.”

Personal Statement:

I’m a proud Irishman, schooled in London, England with a huge passion for cooking great food, reading, and enjoying the beauty of daily life. As a lifelong Martial Artist, I’m in pursuit of perfection on a daily basis.

  Mr Carlos Rodriquez

Next, we have Mr Carlos Rodriquez, who has bounded into KI full of energy and excitement.  He has been teaching Level 1 Reading & Writing so has spent a lot of time with our Grade 1 students.

Student Voice:

“I love him!  He’s so fun because we are friends.” Mr Kumekawa (L1/1-1)

“Everyone enjoys his class because he’s creative and explains things clearly.” Ms Hirano (L1/1-2)

Teacher Voice:

The classes have been struggling to comprehend English grammar rules, but have been determined so far.

Personal Statement:

Hello, everyone! I’m from Orlando, Florida.  I love Disney and I was lucky enough to work for them! I also love travelling and teaching English.

 Mr David Hunt

We have Mr David Hunt teaching Level 2 Reading & Writing and Level 3 General English. The ‘Man with a Smile’ is always making students (and teachers) feel happy when they see him.

Student Voice:

“He’s so happy in class, so we can talk to him easily” Ms Fujimaru (L3/1-1)

“He is a happy teacher and always smiling in class so I feel relaxed when working hard.” Ms Hayashi (L3/1-3)

Teacher Voice:

“When students are speaking without realising they can do it, or answering their questions so they can ‘see the light’, I really enjoy supporting their studies in a positive way.”

Personal Statement:

I’m from Leeds, England and I enjoy travelling and photography.  When I was backpacking around the world, I realised how fun it was to communicate and help many people in English.

 Mr Mark Andersen

Moving up the levels, Mr Mark Andersen is the gentle giant teaching Level 4 General English.  Our Australian has been working for Kansai College of Business & Language (our sister school) for many years but has only just transferred to KI.

Student Voice:

“I like that he’s strict because it pushes me to improve myself in class.” Mr Moriguchi (L4/3-2)

“ He’s so polite and respectful so I’m not scared or embarrassed to make mistakes.” Ms Wada (L4/3-1)

Teacher Voice:

“My funky students make my job ‘a walk in the park’ (an idiom meaning very easy to do).”

Personal Statement:

I am the verb –ing in present progressive tense: I am still progressing.  Learning never stops because I’m a student of life.

 Mr Leon Townsend

Next, Mr Leon Townsend is teaching Level 4 Reading & Writing.  He has entered KI with a very positive attitude about improving his students by putting activities within reach of all of his students.

Student Voice:

“It can be difficult but he is very positive, which motivates me to try hard.” Mr Sumino (L4/3-1)

“His class is fun because he makes difficult things sound easy, so I try to be more involved in the class.” Ms Inaba (L4/2-2)

Teacher Voice:

“I love how open the students are to new ideas and are always willing to share their diverse personal experiences with each other.”

Personal Statement:

I really love teaching English and helping my students develop their English communication skills so I try to be friendly, outgoing, and approachable.  I love soccer, movies, music, and spending time with my family.

 Mr Rod Hinn

Finally, we have Mr Rod Hinn from New York. He started working for KI and the college (same as Mr Andersen) this year and has become known for his uniform of all black (not the rugby team) and friendly personality during the Level 4 and Level 6 Speaking & Listening classes.

Student Voice:

“He gives us lots of speakingtime so I don’t have time to lose interest.” Mr Hara (L4/2-2)

“The class is full of activities that are easy to understand and exciting” Ms Yoshinaga (L4/2-1)

Teacher Voice:

“Teaching the Speaking & Listening class is a job as we work on authentic activities like debate, group discussions, and presentations.”

Personal Statement:

I really enjoy learning and teaching language: I speak six!  In my free time, I enjoy having picnics in the park.  Recently, I have gotten into chess.


In addition to the new teachers, we have the veteran teachers from North America (Mr Jeff Willard, Mr David Hall) and The British Isles (Mr Craig Russell, Mr Raymond Brown, and me).

Written by Gareth Warham (July, 2019).




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