
2018.08.03 行事

【総括】第4回模擬国連大阪(Model United Nations Osaka 2018)が無事終了しました。




















社会科 小谷真貴子


以下、開会式での大阪北ロータリークラブ元会長 鴻池一季氏のスピーチと本校校長 花畑好一先生のスピーチです。

Speech by Former President of Osaka North Rotary Club, Mr. Kazusue Konoike

Good morning everyone. It is my great pleasure to make a speech at an opening of Model United Nations Osaka representing Rotary Club of Osaka North as one of supporting organizations of MUN Osaka.  I appreciate the effort of Mr.Koichi Hanabata and others who have organized this MUN Osaka for the last four years successfully.

I believe that participation to MUN is very important for you high school students. Because it gives you a chance to get incentives to understand what is happening in the present world, to understand what the background of problems and issues are, and to consider deeply what could be solutions to those problems and issues.  MUN, I believe, has another aspect that is providing active learning through preparation and participation. Since each of you represents each different country, you will understand the difference of standpoint and interest of each country. And through discussion you will try to find ways to reach solutions. This process of understanding each other and finding solutions is really important to go through in the real world.

Now I would like to explain our Rotary Club which I belong to. Rotary Club is a non-profit organization for social services whose activities spreads internationally and has long history over one hundred years. Its worldwide membership is 1,200,000 at 32,000 clubs in 166 countries. Rotary clubs have closely collaborated with UN organizations such as UNESCO, UNICEF, etc. Fields of our service extend to those of vocational service, social service, international service and youth service. I am a member of Rotary Club of Osaka North for the last thirty three years engaging in various fields of services. For the past five years I have engaged in social service for Revitalization from East Japan Great Earthquake Disaster. Through these activities I realize that there are so many people who need supports in this world and that there so many things we can do to help them.

MUN OSAKA has discussed some important issues of the world such as “Reducing Inequality through Sustainable Development” which was taken up last year, for example. This year you will discuss on issues of “Human Health and Welfare”,

“Food Security” and “Climate Action” under the theme of “Impact of Climate Change on the Most Vulnerable”.  As you may know the United Nations has been promoting 15 year program of SDGs or Sustainable Development Goals which was set up in 2016 to obtain goals in 17 fields of global problems in 2030. The theme of MUN OSAKA this year is closely related to SDGs.

At the same time we cannot forget that Japan is also vulnerable to natural disasters. Just one month ago in June we experienced a big earthquake in Osaka. Just two weeks ago heavy rainfall gave historic damages to western Japan. Compared with natural wonders human beings is a small presence. But, please think what we can do to reduce these disasters. I hope you will find good solution to it. I wish all the best of MUN Osaka this year. Thank you very much.

 Speech by MUN OSAKA Director, Mr. Koichi Hanabata

Good morning everybody. First of all, we would like to express our condolences for the people who lost their lives in the unprecedented rain disaster and offer our heartfelt sympathy for those affected by it. The disaster we experienced showed us how serious climate change can seriously affect people’s lives. That is why it is very important for us to be holding this MUN event under this Agenda to think about how we can mitigate the effect climate change. It is our responsibility to actually do something about thismatter. Although we had to suspend our block meeting prior to MUN due to the serious weather, I trust you all will be able to have a meaningful discussion today and make good resolutions for the agenda topics through meetings. Good luck to you all. Thanking you!!

地球環境市民会議(CASA)土田 道代氏




〒545-00053 大阪市阿倍野区松崎町2-9-36