
2019.08.09 行事

【総括】第5回模擬国連大阪(Model United Nations Osaka 2019)が無事終了しました。

7月16・17日(火・水)に本校主催の模擬国連大会『MUN OSAKA 2019』が無事に終わりました。



関西外語専門学校国際高等課程(本校)、京都 大谷高等学校、金光大阪高等学校、東大寺学園高等学校、同志社国際高等学校、広島女学院高等学校、立命館高等学校、立命館宇治高等学校、立命館守山高等学校








相川さんのお話しを聞いて、MUN OSAKA 2019出場者の高校生も、この大会がきっかけとなり国際支援に将来携わる人材がでるかもしれないと思うと、わくわくしました。


Good morning, everyone. My name is Kana Aikawa. I was JICA volunteer from 2010 to 2012 in Ghana, West Africa. Currently, I’m in charge of CEO of N yura konko Corporation. I established my company last year November. At first, let me introduce myself.

I was born in 1985 in Osaka. Since the childhood, I was interested in foreign languages and cultures. This could be part of my mother influences. My mother, who is a teacher at the private school, was donating UNICEF Japan and other international organizations monthly to support children’s education in the developing countries.

Thanks to my mother, I was able to obtain information about the developing countries daily, cultivating more interests to other countries.

In high school, I had a chance to experience home stay program in Melbourne, Australia. It was a two weeks program and I had a good time there. At the same time, I was able to learn that the efforts I put in studying English at school and home study was meaningful to communicate well with host family members.

At that moment, I decided to do study abroad at university and after the graduation of high school, I entered Department of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University. At the university, I was able to meet many good friends who are very motivated for studying foreign languages. At the university, I also went to the university in Washington, D.C. in the Untied Sates for two years.

At the university, I was able to make many good friends who are very motivated and have a strong leadership to solve international issues all over the world.

Thanks to those good friendship, after the graduation of both universities in Japan and the United States, I made up my mind to extend my career path in the developing countries to learn more about international issues from the different contexts. Then, I applied for the JICA volunteer and received a chance to stay in Ghana, West Africa for two years.

The village I lived in, was quite far from my hometown. It was three days distance from Japan and even one day distance from the capital of Ghana. When I arrived there, everything I experienced was very new and exciting, however, at the same time, the life in the rural village was not easy for me. Without all help from the people in the community, I was not able to survive. Through those communications and interactions with people, I started to learn about how people were living and making their lives.

One day, I had an important encounter with local women who were processing shea butter. Shea butter is a moisturizing cream for all parts of the body and has a high demand in the world.

World cosmetics companies sell the products with shea butter in a very good price, however, the local price in Ghana is quite low and is not enough to support local women’s livings.

Looking at this reality, I made up my mind to start up my company to support local women and their children’s education.

Looking back at my life, my strong curiosity and interest to English and other cultures gave me a lot of opportunities to meet many people all over the world and this good meeting led me to my current career path.

Through my experience, I’d like to give to some hints and advises to be an international personnel.

First, be curious.

Second, respect others and yourself.

Third, be confident in yourself, because you are unique and special in the world.

Thank you very much for listening and I wish MUN Osaka will be very successful.

Thank you very much.

Former JICA volunteer (2010-2012) Kana Aikawa

MUN OSAKA 2019では、主催校である本校の生徒がブロックリーダー・議長・秘書といった重要な役割を務めます。






・今回初めてMUN OSAKAを見学して、それぞれの国についての問題や他国に対しての質問に素早く答えたり意見しているのを聞いて凄いなと思いました。とってもプロフェッショナルな雰囲気で緊張感がある中、先輩達の英語でのやり取りに圧倒されました。





<MUN OSAKA 2019出場者の声>




・MUN OSAKAでは、MUNをこれまで何度も経験している中で初めて「悔しい」という気持ちになった。それだけ真剣にこの大会に取り組んだのだと思う。準備は凄く大変だったが良い思い出になった。









社会科主任 小谷真貴子




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