

Lucky 3rd years!

November 2nd – Today is Monday. Tomorrow is a National Holiday. The 3rd year students don’t have to come to school today, so they get a 4-day weekend!!!
Today, the 1st & 2nd year students are taking university mock exams. That’s “Daigaku-Juken-no-Mogi-Shiken”. It’s great practice to prepare for the future. I am observing Japanese now. Later, I’ll watch the 2nd year students take the English exam.
Sure, you may think it’s boring for me, but it’s a great chance to grade papers and prepare my Environmental Science lessons. But, I still have to observe the students carefully. Otherwise, Takimoto-sensei, my boss, might scold me! 🙂
In the next 2 weeks, I’ll explode Mitsuya-Cider like a volcano, show the epicenter of an earthquake with water and a tuning fork, and show the kinds of earthquake shockwaves with a really big spring. I love science!
don’t you wish you were in my class? Well, the Japanese exam is almost over. I wonder how they did…………..
Brian Burgess, Science Teacher

〒545-00053 大阪市阿倍野区松崎町2-9-36