2022.04.27 Lesson
New Courses at KIHS
As the world around us is changing, so are the classes offered by the English department.
English Level
This year we have increase our production (Speaking, Writing) and comprehension (読解) classes to three time a week. Our aim is for students to learn a wider variety of styles and situation where English is useful. The teachers are using textbooks that encourage students to research their own interests and learn fact to support their opinion.
English Interviews
Many Japanese universities are using English interviews as part of their Entrance Exam, so we have begun interviewing all students during each exam week. We hope this will help our students feel confident answering questions in English when applying for university, and even jobs, in the future. The interviews will be similar to “IELTS” and “Cambridge First for Schools” interviews because they encourage communication between students.
New “English in Context” Classes
Many of our students, like others across the world, enjoy reading comics. Therefore, we have started a class to enjoy this genre called Modern Readers. This class discusses how a story is created and developed to compare American or British storytelling with Japanese.
Knowing Presentation English has always been an important part of working in the business world. Our students have the opportunity to learn about and give a variety of presentation styles from informative to demonstrative. Using video, they are learning about the physical side of presentations (e.g. gesture), as well as the key language a presenter uses.
Learning a language consists of a lifetime of building vocabulary. This can feel time-consuming and boring, so we have introduced a class, Vocabulary Building, to make this process more interesting.
Finally, our school teaches many internationally minded topics, but students rarely have the time to discuss their own interests in English. This year, in addition to Current Events in Japanese (時事問題) we have introduced a Current Events class in English. The textbook introduces a number of issues that are orientated around American society for students to debate.
For Artistic Students
Artistic Design is a new class that connects to the art taught in Japanese because it uses pencil sketches to build the foundation of a picture. The emphasis is on using English to better understand artistic techniques and build a portfolio showcasing students’ talent. Mr Stump, an art graduate from an American university who has an outstanding portfolio of his own, uses a number of tools to guide students through the techniques needed as well as allowing them use English in a context they are interested in.
These new courses have begun well and students are reacting well to the challenges they face. Long may it continue!
Gareth Warham
〒545-00053 大阪市阿倍野区松崎町2-9-36
- class
- English
- George Bernard Shaw
- graduation ceremony
- Society3.0
- Society4.0
- Society5.0
- Speech Contest
- コロナ
- ジェンダー
- スキー
- スキー研修
- スノボ
- スピーチコンテスト
- ソーシャルメディア研究会
- ハロウィン
- ホームステイ
- ホームルーム
- ボランティア
- 一般入試
- 世界史A
- 併修校
- 先生の言いたいこと
- 先生紹介
- 入学式
- 公募制推薦入試
- 卒業式
- 合格実績
- 図書委員
- 国際理解
- 大学
- 学校生活
- 定期試験
- 岩瀬忠震
- 帰国生
- 志賀高原
- 思春期セミナー
- 授業参観
- 推薦入試
- 損害賠償金
- 新入生交流会
- 新年度
- 模擬国連
- 生徒会
- 甲子園
- 研修会
- 研修旅行
- 竹内義博
- 総合型選抜入試
- 自習
- 芸術鑑賞
- 英検
- 英語レベル分け試験
- 課外活動
- 講演
- 進学
- 進路
- 進路指導
- 進路説明会
- 道程
- 選択必修科目
- 野球
- 長野県
- 集中科目
- 高村幸太郎